[Math] How do row operations affect the column space

linear algebramatrices

I've been curious about this: Row operations do not affect the row space, but they affect the column space.

Is there any way to 'systematically' perform row operations to make the column space the way we want?

Let $C$ be the left matrix below, and $A$ be the right.

I'd like to find $C$ to make a column of $AC$ to be a constant multiplication of another column. Given $A$ has no pair of two column vectors that is linearly dependent. Since row operations, $C$ can change the column space of $A$, I wonder if there's any systematic way of making the dependencies of the column vectors the way I want.

$ \left( \begin{array}{l} c_1 & c_2 \\ c_3 & c_4 \end{array} \right) $$ \left( \begin{array}{l} 1 & 3 & 2 \\ 3 & 1 & 2\end{array} \right) $


Best Answer

If $c^1,\ldots, c^n$ are the columns of a matrix and $d^1,\ldots, d^n$ the columns of a transformed matrix after some row operations, then $d^i$ is the expression of $c^i$ in a different basis. The transition matrix to this new basis is formed by the columns of $R^{-1}$ where $D=RC$ is the relation between $D=(d^1,\ldots, d^n)$ and $C=(c^1,\ldots, c^n)$.

(It follows from this that, if $c^1$ and $c^2$ are independent -- for example -- then $d^1$ and $d^2$ will be also independent, etc.)