Calculator – How Pocket Calculators Calculate Exponents

calculatorexponential functionexponentiation

I'd like to know specifically how a pocket calculator (TI calculators also apply) calculates $e^{0.1}$, and what methods or algorithms pocket calculators use in order to produce their answer.

Best Answer

I would be surprised if they actually used Taylor series. For example, the basic 80x87 "exponential" instruction is F2XM1 which computes $2^x-1$ for $0 \le x \le 0.5$. I don't think the implementation is documented, but if I were programming this, I might use a minimax polynomial or rational approximation: the following polynomial of degree $9$ approximates $2^x - 1$ on this interval with maximum error approximately $1.57 \times 10^{-17}$:


By contrast, the Maclaurin polynomial of the same degree has maximum error about $7.11 \times 10^{-12}$ on this interval.