[Math] How discontinuous can the limit function be


While I was reading an article on Wikipedia which deals with pointwise convergence of a sequence of functions I asked myself how bad can the limit function be? When I say bad I mean how discontinuous it can be?

So I have these two questions:

1) Does there exist a sequence of continuous functions $f_n$ defined on the closed (or, if you like you can take open) interval $[a,b]$ (which has finite length) which converges pointwise to the limit function $f$ such that the limit function $f$ has infinite number of discontinuities?

2) Does there exist a sequence of continuous functions $f_n$ defined on the closed (or, if you like you can take open) interval $[a,b]$ (which has finite length) which converges pointwise to the limit function $f$ such that the limit function $f$ has infinite number of discontinuities and for every two points $c\in [a,b]$, $d\in [a,b]$ in which $f$ is continuous there exist point $e\in [c,d]$ in which $f$ is discontinuous?

I stumbled upon EgorovĀ“s theorem which says, roughly, that pointwise convergence on some set implies uniform convergence on some smaller set and I know that uniform convergence on some set implies continuity of the limit function on that set but I do not know can these two questions be resolved only with EgorovĀ“s theorem or with some of its modifications, so if someone can help me or point me in the right direction that would be nice.

Best Answer

The following is a standard application of Baire Category Theorem:

Set of continuity points of point wise limit of continuous functions from a Baire Space to a metric space is dense $G_\delta$ and hence can not be countable.

Another result is the following:

Any monotone function on a compact interval is a pointwise limit of continuous functions.

Such a function can have countably infinite set of discontinuities. For example in $[0,1]$ consider the distribution function of the measure that gives probability $1/2^n$ to $r_n$ where $(r_n)$ is any enumeration of rational numbers in $[0,1]$. The set of discontinuity points of this function is $\mathbb{Q}\cap[0,1]$.