Combinatorics – How to Calculate Specific Numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence


I was reading up on the Fibonacci Sequence, $1,1,2,3,5,8,13,\ldots $ when I noticed some were able to calculate specific numbers. So far I've only figured out creating an array and counting to the value, which is incredibly simple, but I reckon I can't find any formula for calculating a Fibonacci number based on it's position.

Is there a way to do this? If so, how are we able to apply these formulas to arrays?

Best Answer

A lot of people have mentioned Binet's formula. But I suspect this is not the most practical way to compute the nth Fibonacci number for large n, because it requires either having a very accurate value of $\sqrt{5}$ and carrying around lots of decimal places (if you want to do floating-point arithmetic) or expanding large powers of $1+\sqrt{5}$ using the binomial formula. The latter comes out to writing the Fibonacci number as a sum of binomial coefficients.

The following formulas hold, though:$$F_{2n-1}=F_n^2+F_{n-1}^2$$$$F_{2n}=(2F_{n-1}+F_n)\cdot F_n$$which you can find derivations of in the Wikipedia article on Fibonacci numbers. This lets you find $F_k$, for any $k$ even or odd, in terms of two Fibonacci numbers with approximately half the index. The result is faster than Binet's formula.

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