[Math] Hopf bifurcation and limit cycle

bifurcationdynamical systemsordinary differential equationssystems of equations

I am studying bifurcation and had a system like this:
$$dx/dt=ux-y-x(x^2+y^2),$$ $$dy/dt=x+uy-y(x^2+y^2).$$ I want to determine whether a Hopf bifurcation would occur.
I wrote the system into polar coordinates:
$$dr/dt=ur-r^3,$$ $$d\theta/dt=1.$$
So I have a unstable limit cycle at $$r=\sqrt{u},$$ when u is positive.
Can I then conclude that a Hopf bifurcation do occur? Since the spiral inside and outside the limit cycle towards different direction?
But then I am confused by the question "at what value of $u$ a Hopf bifurcation occurs"? What does that mean?

Best Answer

I'm writing this to add some details for anyone who may come across this in the future.

First I'd like to clarify that you have a stable limit cycle (when the limit cycle appears). To see this, set $r = \sqrt{u} + \epsilon$ and compute $\dot{r}$: I find that $\dot{r} < 0$. Similarly, setting $r = \sqrt{u} - \epsilon$ gives $\dot{r} > 0$ . Then the limit cycle is attractive. This will help us identify the bifurcation that takes place here.

To see why a Hopf bifurcation occurs, consider values of $u < 0$. Here we see that $\dot{r} < 0$ for every $r$ and hence $r \to 0$ as $t \to \infty$ so that the origin is a stable equilibrium; because $\dot{\theta} = 1$, trajectories spiral into the origin. In addition, for $u > 0$, the origin is an unstable equilibrium and trajectories spiral outward from it. As you've noted above, a limit cycle appears at $r = \sqrt{\mu}$, and we just decided that this limit cycle is stable.

To "see" the Hopf bifurcation take place, consider the Jacobian of the system (in Cartesian coordinates) at the origin, \begin{equation} A = \left(\begin{array}{cr} u & -1 \\ 1 & u \end{array}\right). \end{equation} The eigenvalues of $A$ are $\lambda = u \pm i$. We see that as $u$ goes from negative to positive, both eigenvalues cross the imaginary axis (which is the boundary of stability) from left to right, which is the hallmark of a supercritical Hopf bifurcation. A supercritical Hopf bifurcation occurs when a stable fixed point becomes unstable and sheds a stable limit cycle. The supercriticality coincides with what we identified above: a stable fixed point sheds a stable limit cycle and the fixed point changes its stability.

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