[Math] Homotopy class of map from torus to sphere


In algebraic topology, we use homotopy group $\pi_n(M)$ to classify the homotopy class of continuous map $f:S^n\rightarrow M$.

My question:

  1. What's the mathematical object to classify the homotopy class $f: N \rightarrow M$ for general manifold $N$ and $M$? Can we reduce this question to $\pi_n (N)$ and $\pi_n (M)$?

  2. If question 1 is too hard. In specific, how to classify homotopy class of $f: T^2 \rightarrow S^2$ and $f: T^n\rightarrow S^n$ for general $n$? Thanks to Qiaochu Yuan, the answer to homotopy group of $T^n$ to $S^n$ seems to $\mathbb{Z}$.

Best Answer

In general it is extremely hard to calculate the set of homotopy classes of maps between two spaces, and the problem does not reduce to understanding their homotopy groups. This problem has as special cases questions like 1) how to compute an arbitrary cohomology group of an arbitrary space, 2) how to compute an arbitrary homotopy group of an arbitrary space, 3) how to classify vector bundles on an arbitrary space, etc.

For the very special case of maps from a closed orientable $n$-manifold (such as the torus $T^n$) to a sphere $S^n$ of the same dimension we are very lucky: by the Hopf theorem such maps are classified by their degree, so there are a $\mathbb{Z}$'s worth of them.

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