[Math] Homomorphisms from $S_4$ to $\mathbb Z_2$


Suppose $\phi : S_4 \rightarrow \mathbb Z_2$ is a surjective homomorphism. Find $\ker\phi$. Determine all homomorphisms from $S_4$ to $\mathbb Z_2$.

My solution: since $\phi$ is surjective, then by the first isomorphism theorem, $S_4/\ker\phi \cong \mathbb Z_2$. Therefore, by computation, $\ker\phi = A_4$.

Now, for the second part, I have some trouble since they ask for all the possible homomorphisms. I know that the map that takes even permutations to $0$ and odd permutations to $1$ is a homomorphism. But, my question is: How to make sure this is the only one?


Best Answer

The kernel must contain $\frac{24}2=12$ elements and it must contain all even permutations. There's no room for choice.

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