[Math] Homology of contractible space


I understand that if $f,g: X \to Y$ are maps and $f$ is homotopic to $g$, then the induced maps on the homology groups $f_*$ and $g_*$ are equal. Why does this imply that if $X$ is contractible then $H_0(X) = \mathbb{Z}$ and $H_n(X) = 0$ for $n > 0$?

Best Answer

If $X$ is a contractible space, you can take $f=Id_X:X\rightarrow X$ and $g(x)=y$ where $y$ is a fixed point of $X$ so $g$ is a constant map. The maps $f$ and $g$ are homotopic. If $n>0$, $f_*^n: H^n(X)\rightarrow H^n(X)$ is the identity, and $g_*^n=0$.

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