[Math] Homogeneous Differential Equations Inspiration

intuitionmath-historyordinary differential equations

Homogeneous first order differential equations can be solved by substituting $y/x = v$. I was wondering what is the inspiration for this. I am trying to understand the thinking behind this substitution. It is a known property of homogeneous polynomials that they can be expressed as functions of $y/x$, but how could you be sure that once you do that, the variables are separable? Again, the homogeneous polynomials $M$ and $N$ have to be of the same degree, otherwise, they are not separable. What's the thinking behind that? HFODEs are one of simplest
type, so I was wondering if there's an intuitive way one could think about this (or is there any other analytic algebraic property of homogeneous polynomials that I am missing?)

Best Answer

Tunococ, no offense intended, but what you have said is given in any standard textbook on differential equations. As I said earlier, some ideas become clear after you go through with them, and this analysis is precisely that. That's not what I am after.

At this point I should clarify my comment on your answer. When solving a DE, our primary concern is separation of variables. Simplification is a secondary concern. A substitution which transforms our equation into something more complex, but separates the variables is more useful than one which simplifies our DE without separating the variables. As far as simplification is concerned, transforming, $f(x)$ into $f(y/x)$ and then substituting $y/x = v$ is a logical step (not a natural guess!). But with respect to separation of variables, it is not.

Johann Bernoulli is said to be the first to suggest this method.The following statement is attributed to him "I attempt only to separate the indeterminate $x$ and it's differential $dx$, from the indeterminates $y$ and $dy$, which deserves the prize in this investigation, for otherwise the construction of the solution to the differential equation won't be achieved." (Ref - A History of Analysis - Hans Niels Jahnke). So there's a strong probability that when JB suggested putting $y/x = v$, he was looking at separation of variables, not simplification of the DE.

Now I am not insisting that he discovered this substitution in a a logical manner. What you suggested could have been true. I am only saying that, if such a possibility exists, we should explore it.

You did raise an important point however, that I overlooked - homogeneous functions need not be polynomials.As for degree not being an integer, that can be changed via substitution.

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