[Math] Homework Help – Finding a Vector, and values of s and t, when given an equality


There is not an example problem in my textbook that I can reference (I have said this on two other questions so far, but it's the truth. The example problems and solutions manual contain physics / engineering examples rather than abstract examples).

For this one, I did not know how to begin. Normally I would give the work I had done, even if it is incorrect.

For what values of t and so does the
equality <4-2t, 2s-4t >= < s+4t, 3+2t>.
Find t and s. At these values of t and
s, find the resulting vector.

Can anyone point me in the correct direction or give me an idea on how to solve this?

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Set the $x$-components equal to each other and the $y$-components equal to each other.