[Math] Help with Input and Output relationships


Here's the question: Give three examples of input-output relationships in real life that cannot have negative values in the practical range? Explain why their range cannot have negative values?

It's a confusing question because how can a relationship have both and input and output?

Could time be a input-output relationship?

Best Answer

To give an example of an input-output relationship, just think about a function.

For instance, suppose $f$ is a function that tracks revenue at a lemonade stand. It takes "number of cups sold" as an input and gives "dollars made" as an output. It might look like this:


Assuming that each cup of lemonade costs .25 cents. So if I sell $5$ cups, then I make:

$f(5)=.25(5)=1.25$ dollars. If I sell 20 cups, I make:

$f(10)=.25(10)=2.50$ dollars. In this case, we call $10$ the input and $2.50$ the output. Does that make sense?

Also note: the domain of $f$ in this example is $[0,\infty).$ That is, the input value must be positive, since we can't sell a negative number of cups. The range is also positive, since $.25*(a\,non-negative\,number)$ is always non-negative.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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