[Math] Help with hard complex numbers

complex numbers

We had the topic of complex numbers for my senior math team meet this week, and I wasn't able to solve two of the problems.

1.) $z=i^{\displaystyle \left(i^{\displaystyle \left(i^{(2)}\right)}\right)}$ and $a$ is the real part of $z$, find the lowest positive value of $\ln(a)$
[ I know it comes to $i-i$ but I don't know why that is e^(pi/2)]

2.) $$\left[\cos \left(\frac{2\pi}{7}\right) + \cos \left(\frac{4\pi}{7}\right) + \cos \left(\frac{8\pi}{7}\right)\right]^2$$
[I think I can use de moivre's forumla, but I dont know how here]

It's non calculator and the answers are $\frac{\pi}{2}$ and \frac{1}{4}$ respectively. I just want to know how to solve them, thanks.

Best Answer

For the first, it is equal to $i^{-i}.$ So, the log is equal to $-i(\pi i/2 + 2ki\pi) = \pi/2 +2 k \pi.$

The second, before you square, you have the real part of $x=\omega + \omega^2 + \omega^4,$ where $\omega$ is the primitive seventh root of unity. Notice that the conjugate of this expression is $\omega^6 + \omega^5 + \omega^3 = 1-x.$ Since the real part of $x$ is the same as that of $\overline{x},$ we have that the real part of $x$ is $1/2,$ so its square is $1/4.$

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