[Math] Help understanding tensor products


I am struggling to understand tensor products. I will first state what I think I understand and then ask questions.

Definition of Tensor Product:


What I Think I Understand:

Consider two vector spaces $V$ and $W$. Let $V \times W$ be the Cartesian product of $V$ and $W$.
$F(V\times W)$ is a free vector space (no idea what this is).

$V \otimes W$ is a vector space. The vectors of this space are defined to be the equivalence classes of $F(V\times W)$ under the following equivalence relations
&v, v_1, v_2 \in V; w, w_1, w_2 \in W; c \in K; \\
&(v_1,w) + (v_2,w) \sim (v_1 + v_2,w) \\
&(v,w_1) + (v,w_2) \sim (v,w_1+w_2) \\
&c(v,w) \sim (cv,w) \sim (v,cw)

That's about all I understand.

My Question:

Is this the right way to approach understanding tensor products? If so, can you either fill in the gaps in my understanding or tell me where can I find more information about them (besides Wikipedia) so I can do so myself?

Best Answer

The major idea behind the tensor product $V\otimes W$ is that it allows us to study bilinear maps $\omega:V\times W\to Z$ as linear maps $\tilde\omega :V\otimes W\to Z$ on a space like $V\times W$ but with the bilinearity 'built-in', thus reducing the theory of bilinear maps to 'simple' linear algebra. In fact, this construction works for more generally multilinear maps $\omega : V_1\times\dots\times V_n\to Z$ as well ($\tilde\omega : V_1\otimes\dots\otimes V_n\to Z$).