[Math] Help solving a geometry problem involving circles and arcs


Can any of you offer some advice on how to solve this problem?

Show that if point $P$ is external to a circle and tangent $PT$ and secant $PAB$ are drawn where $T, A$ and $B$ lie on the circle, then $\angle TPA \circeq \frac 12 (BT-AT)$ where $BT$ and $AT$ represent the lengths of the arcs on the circle.

I know that this is a direct consequence of the theorem that states the angle between a chord and the tangent at one of its endpoints is equal in degrees to half the subtended arc. I'll probably need to use this somewhere in the proof, but I'm not sure where.

I appreciate any help.

Best Answer

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$\angle PTA=\angle TBA, \angle TAB=\angle TPA+\angle PTA, \angle TPA=\angle TAB-\angle TBA. $

$\angle TDB=2\angle TAB, \angle TDA=2\angle TBA. \angle TPA=\dfrac{\angle TDB-\angle TDA}{2}$

let $DT=DB=DA=r$

$\angle TDB=\dfrac{\stackrel{\frown}{TB}}{r},\angle TDA=\dfrac{\stackrel{\frown} {TA}}{r}, \angle TPA=\dfrac{1}{2r}(\stackrel{\frown}{TB}- \stackrel{\frown}{TA}).$

so you miss the r .

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