[Math] help me understand derivatives and their purpose


I am only starting learning calculus and it's difficult for me to understand the main concept behind calculus ideas particularly differentiation
I have searched many resources but most of them are very similar explaining things with words like "speed", "rate of change", "tangent" and "function change in respect to input change"…
I know the rules of computation but the purpose is not very clear for me

I would be very grateful if somebody could help me grasp this concept and explain why one would want to compute the "rate of change" of a function and what exactly problem do derivatives solve.

Pretend that I am very stupid (unfortunately I am 🙂 ) and don't use any abstract concepts (even if they are intuitive to a human being ) as "speed" if possible

Best Answer

Suppose $f(x)=x^3$.

Then $f(2)=8$ and $f'(x)=3x^2$, so $f'(2)=3\cdot2^2=12$.

That means when $x=2$ and $f(x)=8$, then $f(x)$ is changing $12$ times as fast as $x$ is changing.

So suppose $x$ goes from $2$ to $2.0001$, the change being $\Delta x=0.001$. Then $f(x)$ should go from $8$ to about $8.0012$, the change being about $\Delta f(x)=0.0012$, i.e. $12$ times as much. Why not exactly $12$ times as much? Because as $x$ changes from $2$ to $2.0001$, the derivative, thus the rate of change, does not remain exactly $12$.

(In fact, $f(2.0001)=2.0001^2 = 8.0012\ 00060001$, so $12$ times as much is pretty close.)

When calculus is taught to liberal arts majors, this kind of thing should be considered far more important than chanting "n x to the n minus one", which is what is typically taught. A standard calculus course for math majors was created, then watered down to get a calculus course for English majors, then very large numbers of the latter were encouraged to take calculus and told it would look good on their resumes. The learn to answer questions like "Find the derivative of $f(x)=\sec^3(5x+2)$" without finding out that differential calculus is about instantaneous rates of change or why it is important in the development of science and engineering over the past few centuries. Mathematicians feel forced to go along with the system, which must be maintained because those students bring in tuition money. Mathematicians who sit on curriculum committees in large departments are not the ones who are assigned the task of teaching first-semester calculus, and don't know what goes on there. The ones who do know are often less experienced and are not the ones who will develop alternative sorts of courses, and must devote their energies to publishing research so that they can keep their jobs. If you try to include things like this in a calculus course at the expense of chanting "n x to the n minus one", the sort of student who's there only to get a grade says "Will this be on the department's common final exam in this course? No? Then why are you wasting our time on it? My father donates a lot of money to this university and he will complain to the Dean about you." ONLY mathematicians can change this situation, so they cannot forever plead that they were only following orders.