Complex Analysis – Heine-Borel Theorem on the Complex Plane


I'm trying to understand this proof of the Heine-Borel theorem on the complex plane. I'm reading Lang's Complex Analysis (page 22):

I didn't understand the converse. Why there is a convergent subsequence $\{z_{n_1}\}$? Why there is a convergent sub-subsequence $\{z_{n_2}\}$? Why $a+ ib\in S$?


Best Answer

$\{x_n\}$ is a bounded real sequence, so by the real Heine-Borel theorem it has a convergent subsequence $\{x_{n_1}\}$. Then look just at the corresponding complex sequence $\{z_{n_1}\}$. It isn't convergent, but its real part $\{x_{n_1}\}$ is convergent and its imaginary part $\{y_{n_1}\}$ is still bounded. So use real Heine-Borel again and get a subsequence $\{z_{n_2}\}$ of the subsequence $\{z_{n_1}\}$, and now we see that the real and imaginary parts of $\{z_{n_2}\}$ both converge.