Geometry – How to Calculate the Height of a Tetrahedron


How do I calculate the height of a regular tetrahedron having side length $1$ ?

Just to be completely clear, by height I mean if you placed the shape on a table, how high up would the highest point be from the table?

Best Answer

The first thing you need to do is to note that the apex of a regular tetrahedron lies directly above the center of the bottom triangular face. Thus, find the length of the segment connecting the center of an equilateral triangle with unit length to a corner, and use the Pythagorean theorem with the length of an edge as the hypotenuse, and the length you previously derived as one leg. The height you need is the other leg of the implied right triangle.

Here's a view of the geometry:


and here's a view of the bottom face:


In the second diagram, the face is indicated by dashed lines, and the (isosceles) triangle formed by the center of the triangle and two of the corners is indicated by solid lines.

Knowing that the short sides of the isosceles triangle bisect the 60° angles of the equilateral triangle, we find that the angles of the isosceles triangle are 30°, 30° and 120°.

Using the law of cosines and the knowledge that the longest side of the isosceles triangle has unit length, we have the equation for the length $\ell$ of the short side (the length from the center of the bottom face to the nearest vertex):

$$1=2\ell^2-2\ell^2\cos 120^{\circ}$$

Solving for $\ell$, we find that the length from the center of the bottom face to the nearest vertex is $\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}$, as indicated here.

From this, the Pythagorean theorem says that the height $h$ (the length from the center of the bottom face) satisfies


Solving for $h$ in the above equation, we now find the height to be $\sqrt{\frac23}=\frac{\sqrt{6}}{3}$, as mentioned here.

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