[Math] Height and Distance problems


A ladder rests against a wall at an angle $\alpha$ to the horizontal. When its foot is pulled away from the wall through a distance $a$, it slides a distance $b$ down the wall and makes an angle $\beta$ with the horizontal. Prove that :

I tried to solve this question as;
Let $AB$ be a wall and $AC$ be the ladder. Then $\angle ACB=\alpha$. Now, the question says, "when its foot is pulled", I doubt that whether the ladder is pulled in sideways direction or in downward direction.

Best Answer

Sketch of the problem

We have $(a+x)^2+y^2=x^2+(b+y)^2$ (as they are both equal to the length of the ladder). And $\tan\alpha=\frac{b+y}{x}$ and $\tan\beta=\frac{y}{a+x}$. Eliminating $x,y$ between these three equation, we get $$ a^2 \tan (\beta )+2 a b-b^2 \tan (\beta )=\tan (\alpha ) \left(-a^2+2 a b \tan (\beta )+b^2\right)\ . $$ Dividing both sides by $ab$, we get $$ (a/b) \tan (\beta )+2 -(b/a) \tan (\beta )=\tan (\alpha ) \left(-(a/b)+2 \tan (\beta )+(b/a)\right)\ . $$ Setting $a/b=\xi$, this is equivalent to $$ \xi \tan (\beta )+2 -(1/\xi) \tan (\beta )=\tan (\alpha ) \left(-\xi+2 \tan (\beta )+(1/\xi)\right)\ , $$ which can be solved for $\xi$.

EDIT: Solving for $\xi$, one obtains two solutions:$\xi=-\mathrm{cot}((\alpha+\beta)/2)$ (which is not acceptable because, for $0<\alpha+\beta<\pi$ it gives a negative value for the ratio $a/b$), and $\xi=\tan((\alpha+\beta)/2)$. Then, using a tangent of half-angle formula https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangent_half-angle_formula I can write this as $$ \xi=\frac{a}{b}=\frac{\cos\beta-\cos\alpha}{\sin\alpha-\sin\beta}\ , $$ i.e. with a minus sign difference with respect to the solution posted by the OP, which seems in fact incorrect. Take for example the case $\alpha=\pi/4$ and $\beta=\pi/6$. Then we have $x=b+y=L/\sqrt{2}$, $y=L/2$ and $a+x=(L/2)\sqrt{3}$, if $L$ is the length of the ladder. Then, $a/b=-2-\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}+\sqrt{6}\approx 0.76... $, while $\frac{\cos (\alpha )-\cos (\beta )}{\sin (\alpha )-\sin (\beta )}=\left(1+\sqrt{2}\right) \left(\sqrt{2}-\sqrt{3}\right)\approx -0.76...$

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