[Math] Have anyone ever thought of continuous analog Turing machine


Have anyone ever thought of continuous analog Turing machine? The machine adopts continuous (from R) the input data from the tape,
It moves to a different state depending on the value on the tape.
On the output tape Turing machine writes real numbers according to its program. Is it possible to construct a computer on these principles?

Best Answer

Yes. Quote:

Suppose, instead, we define a machine whose "state" at any time t is a real number s(t), and the "tape" is magnetized with intensity m(x) at location x (where x is the real-valued distance from the starting position). The machine is initially set to the state s(0) = 0 and placed at location x = 0 on the tape, which has been "programmed" with some initial profile of magnetic intensities over a finite range of the tape. (I'm treating m(x) as an ideal continuous function.)

About the question: "Is it possible to construct a computer on these principles?", analog computers were invented before the digital ones. The problem is that infinite resolution isn't more possible than infinite tape.