[Math] Hatcher’s exercise 1.2.22 on the Wirtinger presentation


Here exercise 1.2.22 is recalled, but the asker seems to know how to solve it assuming the "geometry is valid". I however, do not know to use the van Kampen theorem in order to find the relations $x_ix_jx^{-1}_i=x_k$ that Hatcher describes. I would like some assistance with this – my geometric intuition is pretty bad.

Best Answer

Here is a picture taken from Out of Line "Paths and Knot Spaces"


There is more discussion at Topology and Groupoids p,350, and this simple crossing diagram in some sense assumes one is using the fundamental groupoid: insistence on one base points is not natural to the knot situation.

I have demonstrated the crossing relation to children using a copper pentoil and rope, and ended up with this string wrapping on the pentoil:


and asking one of the children to show how the loop comes off the knot!