[Math] Has any error ever been found in Euclid’s elements


Has any error ever been found in Euclid's elements since its publication?
Or it is still perfect from the view point of modern mathematics.

Best Answer

It depends on what you mean by error. The most serious difficulties with Euclid from the modern point of view is that he did not realize that an axiom was needed for congruence of triangles, Euclids proof by superposition is not considered as a valid proof. Further Euclids definitions, although nice sounding, are never used. We now know that there must be undefined terms in an axiomatic system. Finally Euclid did not treat the issue of order. Hilbert's axioms are a completion of Euclid in that he gives all undefined terms and all axioms necessary for geometry. Ironically, Euclid was right about parallels, the one thing for which he was criticised for centuries.