[Math] Hadamard variational formula Evans chapter 6 problem 15

multivariable-calculuspartial differential equations

This is Evans' chapter 6 problem 15.

Consider a family of smooth, bounded domains $U(\tau) \subset \mathbb{R}^{n}$ that depend smoothly upon the parameter $\tau \in \mathbb{R}$. As $\tau$ changes, each point on $\partial U(\tau)$ moves with velocity $v$.

For each $\tau$, we consider eigenvector $\lambda= \lambda(\tau)$ and corresponding eigenfunction $w = w(x,\tau) $ such that $-\Delta w = \lambda w$ in $U(\tau)$, $w=0$ on $\partial U$, normalized so that $||w||_{L^{2}(U(\tau))} = 1$. Suppose $\lambda, w$ are smooth.

Prove Hadamard's variational formular $\partial_{\tau}\lambda = -\int_{\partial U(\tau)} \left|\frac{\partial w}{\partial \nu} \right|^{2} v \cdot \nu$ where $v \cdot \nu$ is normal velocity of $\partial U(\tau)$.

Using hints on evans, I get

$$\frac{\partial}{\partial\tau}\int_{U(\tau)}\lambda dx = \int_{\partial U}\lambda v \cdot \nu + \int_{U(\tau)}\lambda_{\tau}$$

But I don't know how to prove the rest. Could you give some idea?

Best Answer

Evans's hint is the Leibniz rule: $$ \frac{d}{d\tau}\int_{U(\tau)} F(x,\tau) dx = \int_{\partial U(\tau)} F(x,\tau) \, v\cdot \nu \, dS(\tau) + \int_{U} F_\tau(x,\tau) \, dx,$$ where $v$ is the velocity of the boundary $\partial U$ with respect to $\tau$ and $\nu$ is the outward unit normal. (See here or here for details, but the details aren't too important for the problem.)

Based on the hint and the variational formula, we should probably write $\lambda(\tau)$ as an integral and differentiate with respect to $\tau$. This can be accomplished in two ways: $$ \lambda(\tau) = \int_U w(-\Delta w) \, dx = \int_U |\nabla w|^2 \, dx. $$

Now apply the Leibniz rule to the above equation. Differentiating the first equality gives you some useful information when dealing with the second equality. Use the identity $-\Delta w = \lambda w$ and multivariable integration by parts (see Appendix C in Evans, for example) as needed. The answer should come out.

Another note is that since $w$ vanishes on $\partial U$, the gradient $\nabla w$ is perpendicular to $\partial U$ and thus parallel to the unit normal $\nu$. Therefore, the $|\frac{\partial w}{\partial \nu}|^2$ in Hadamard's formula is just $|\nabla w|^2$.

More about the formula: Hadamard's Formula Inside and Out

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