[Math] $h_*$ is the trivial homomorphism, the $h$ is homotopic to a point


Let $h:S^1\to X$ a continuous map. If $h_*:\pi_1(S^1)\to \pi_1(X)$ is the trivial induced homomorphism, then $h$ is homotopic to a point.

I'm starting to study fundamental groups and induced maps by fundamental groups, I need help to solve this question, besides that some of you knows any material online or a good basic book that covers induced maps by fundamental groups? I didn't like Lee's book on this topic, very few informations.


Best Answer

$\pi_1(X)$ consists of homotopy classes of based maps $S^1 \to X$. The group $\pi_1(S^1) \cong \mathbb{Z}$, where the class of identity map $id: S^1 \to S^1$ is the generator of $\pi_1(S^1)$.

Then $h_* : \pi_1(S^1) \to \pi_1(X)$ sends the generator $[id]$ of $\pi_1(S^1)$ to $[h \circ id] = [h] \in \pi_1(X)$. The triviality of $h_*$ is then equivalent to $[h] = [*] \in \pi_1(X)$, where $* : X \to X$ is the constant map at the basepoint. This is precisely the notion that $h$ is (based) nullhomotopic.