[Math] Grouped data median, using lower class limit or lower class boundary


In statistics, for grouped data, when calculating the median based on formula
$Median = L_m + \left [ \frac { \frac{n}{2} – F_{m-1} }{f_m} \right ] \times c$

where $c$ is the size of the median class
$F_{m-1}$ is the cumulative frequency of the class before median class
$f_m$ is the frequency of the median class
$n$ is the total number of the data

I noticed some resources mentioned $L_m$ as lower class limit, but some lower class boundary. Which one is correct?

Best Answer

After some consideration, in my opinion, "lower boundary" will make more sense rather than lower limit. For example, this is the data,

Class  Frequency
 1       1
 2       1
 3       1
 4       1

Based on the data, using we can know that the median is 2.5, without calculation. If using the formula as mentioned above, $\frac{n}{2}$ will get 2, there for the class contains the median is class 2, then using $L_m$ is a lower boundary,

$median = 1.5 + \left[ \frac{2 -1}{1}\right] \times 1 = 2.5$

This doesn't make sense for using lower limit. If changing the class to

Class Frequency
 1-2    1
 3-4    1
 5-6    1
 7-8    1

Using the method above, we will get,

$median = 2.5 + \left[ \frac{2 -1}{1}\right] \times 2 = 4.5$

However, if using class limit, then we will get 5.