[Math] Group theory applications along with a solved example


As I asked in previous question, I am very curious about applying Group theory. Still I have doubts about how I can apply group theory. I know about formal definitions and I can able to solve and prove problems related to Group theory.

But when comes to applications, I don't know where to start.

I surfed the net, and I can get these links….




Those explanations are really good. But the real problem I face is,
all applications are of theoretical explanations, without a solved example which a beginner
like me can understand.

When I went to Wikipedia, I learned about the solution of the Rubik's cube in at most 20 steps posted in http://cube20.org/

What I can understand?

Turning a cube upside down, it will still take the same number of moves to solve.(Symmetrical property).

Where I need assistance?

An example of showing how this symmetrical property of group theory works here.

So, if someone could give an example of how group theory is applied (in this or some other instance) it will be useful to me….

Best Answer

One can analyse Rubik's cube using Gap. See here. I am unsure if this is what you are looking for or not, but it starts by showing how to "see" your cube as a permutation group, and then analyses the permutations.

(Too see your cube as a permutation group, write numbers on all the cubies, apart from the $6$ centre cubies, and see what rotating each of the $6$ faces once does to these numbers.)