[Math] Group presentation of Integers $\big(\mathbb{Z,+}\big)$


I can't understand how is it possible to represent the group $(\mathbb{Z},+)$ as follows $$\mathbb{Z} = \big<a\big>$$

with only one generator and no relations ? How can there be no relations in the group presentation ? ($\color{blue}{is \space it \space a \space free \space group ?} $ ) and if not then there must be a relation. I found that in wikipedia Here

Also since $a$ is a generator, then it should be $1$ right ?

there is no other single generators for $\mathbb{Z}$ other than $1$.

If we allow two generators then we can have something like $2,3$ because $2,3$ are coprimes and so $3-2 = 1$ and we can represent any integer as a linear combination of those two integers because $\color{purple}{\gcd(2,3) = 1}$

Another question that came to my mind is the following

I know that given a group presentation with relations $R$ one can deduce all other relations in the group from the set $R$. Now I know that $\mathbb{Z}$ is an abelian group with the relation that $a + b = b+ a \space \forall \space a,b \in \mathbb{Z}$.
$\color{red}{Question}$ How can one get that abelian relation using that group presentation with no relations what so ever ?

Best Answer

$\mathbb Z$ is a free group. We can let $S=\{1\}$ and then indeed have the defining property of free group: For any group $G$ and map $f\colon S\to G$ there exists one and only one group homomoprhism $\phi\colon\mathbb Z\to G$ with the property that $\phi(x)=f(x)$ for all $x\in S$. This is just a highbrow formulation for the homomoprhism $n\mapsto f(1)^n$.

There is another one-element set that generates $\mathbb Z$, namely $\{-1\}$. So we have $\mathbb Z=\langle 1\rangle=\langle -1\rangle$. In both cases there is no relation for the genearator $a$. Infact, such a relation could only have the form $a^n=1$ (written multiplicatiuvely!) and that would make $\langle\,a\mid a^n=1\,\rangle=\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z$ instead of $\mathbb Z$.

The relation that $\mathbb Z$ is abelian is automatic from it being cyclic. Note that the relation would have to be written as $a^na^m=a^ma^n$, but this relation is trivially correct (and hence redundant) because both sides are just $a^{n+m}=a^{m+n}$.