Group Theory – Group of Order 105 Has Subgroup of Order 21


I am trying to prove that a group of order $105$ has a subgroup of order $21$. I know it can be done using Sylow theorems, I was just wondering if the proof below could be another way of doing that.

$3$ is prime and $3$ divides $105$, so $G$ has an element of order $3$, say $x$ (By Cauchy's). Similarly, let $y$ be an element of order $7$. Then $xy$ is in $G$, and since $\gcd(3,7)=1$ order of $xy$ is $21$. Then the group $\langle xy \rangle$ generated by $xy$ has an order $21$ and is a subgroup of $G$.

I am a little concerned about my proof, since it implies that group of order $21$ is cyclic $\Rightarrow$ abelian. Is there a problem with that? I know if $p$ doesn't divide $q-1$ then it is true, but in this case $3$ divides $7-1$.


Best Answer

Hints for an elementary approach:

Step #1: Show that if $P_3$ is a Sylow 3-subgroup, then $5\mid |N_G(P_3)|$. Thus $N_G(P_3)$ has a subgroup $H$ of order 15. A standard exercise shows that $H$ is cyclic.

Step #2: The number of Sylow 5-subgroups is either 1 or 21. By Step #1 at least one, hence all, of the Sylow 5-subgroups have a normalizer of size at least ??? Therefore the number of Sylow 5-subgroups is ???

Step #3: Identify all the automorphisms of $C_5$ of order that is a factor of seven. Conclude that if a $P_5$ is normalized by an element of order 7, then there exist elements of orders 5 and 7 that commute.

Step #4: Using steps #2 and #3 conclude that the normalizer of at least one, hence all, Sylow 7-subgroups is at least 35. Show that the group $G$ has a normal Sylow 7-subgroup $P_7$.

Step #5: Show that the quotient group $G/P_7$ has a subgroup of order 3. Apply the correspondence theorem (as in Step #1).