[Math] Group of nonsingular 2×2 matrices


Let $GL(2, \mathbb R)$ denote the group of all nonsingular $2 \times 2$ matrices over $\mathbb R$. Show that each of the following sets is a subgroup of $GL(2, \mathbb R).$

$(a)\quad S = \left\{\begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d\end{bmatrix}\mid a, b, c, d \in \mathbb R \;\text{and}\;ad-bc = 1\right\}.$

$(b)\quad S = \left\{\begin{bmatrix} a & 0\\ 0 & a\end{bmatrix}\mid a \in \mathbb R \text{ and } a\neq 0\right\}.$

A group is a set with an operation attached to it. What exactly does $GL(2, \mathbb{R})$ mean? What is the operation here?

I suppose the question states: Let $GL(2, \mathbb{R})$ denote a group with ALL $2 \times 2$ matrices EXCEPT the identity matrix $\begin{smallmatrix} 1 & 0 \\\ 0 & 1 \end{smallmatrix}$.

Show that the following is a subgroup of that group…? Right? But I need an operation to complete this problem. What am I misunderstanding?

Best Answer

${\bf GL}(\color{blue}{2}, \color{red}{\mathbb R})$ is called the $\bf{G}$eneral $\bf L$inear group consisting of $\color{blue}{2} \times \color{blue}2$ invertible matrices with $\color{red}{\text{real}}$ valued entries.

The group operation is matrix multiplication.

$\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}$ IS included in $GL(2\mathbb R)$. Indeed, it is the identity element in $GL(2 \mathbb R)$.

In (a), you are being asked to show that the set of all $2\times 2$ matrices whose determinant is $1$ is a subgroup of $GL(2, \mathbb R)$.

In (b), you are being asked to show that all $2\times 2$ diagonal matrices (whose entries on the diagonal are non-zero) is a subgroup of $GL(2, \mathbb R)$.

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