[Math] Group Law for an Elliptic curve

elliptic-curvesnumber theorysoft-question

I was reading this book "Rational points on Elliptic curves" by J.Silverman, and J.Tate, 2 prominent figures in Number theory and was very intrigued after reading the first couple of pages.

The connection between Algebra and Geometry is displayed in a professional manner in that book. One can generally ask this question:

It's clear that the Mathematicians had to develop some laws in order to make the points on an Elliptic curve to a group. The first axioms of adding 2 points on an elliptic curve is clear. But i would like to know how does one come up with the mechanism of the remaining axioms(like associativity) which are actually intricate in nature. What is the motivation behind it. Can we define an axiom in an other way so that the point on the elliptic curve still forms a group? Also why to define the group axioms only on for this type of curves.

A very much related question was asked in MO link: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/6870/why-is-an-elliptic-curve-a-group but i actually expect more about the mechanism of the intricate axioms.

Best Answer

The group law on an elliptic curve was not discovered in a vacuum. It came up in the context of abelian integrals.

Let $y^2 = f(x)$, where $f(x)$ is a cubic in $x$ be an elliptic curve; call it $E$.

Elliptic integrals are integrals of the form $$\int_{a}^x dx/y = \int_a^x \frac{d x}{\sqrt{ f(x)}}.$$ (Here $a$ is some fixed base-point.) They come up (in a slightly transformed manner) when computing the arclength of an ellipse (whence their name).

If was realized at some point (in the 1600s or 1700s) (at least in special cases) that if you apply certain substitutions to $x$, you can double the value of the integral, or that if you apply certain substitusions of the form $x = \phi(x_1,x_2)$, the integral you compute is the sum of the individual integrals for $x_1$ and $x_2$.

Real understanding came from the work of Abel and Jacobi. (Unfortunately I don't know the precise history or attributions here.)

What they realized (in modern terms) is that, if we fix the base-point $a$ and let $b$ vary, then the elliptic integral is giving a multivalued map from the elliptic curve $E$ to $\mathbb C$, and that the formula $\phi(x_1,x_2)$ mentioned above shows us a way to add points on the elliptic curve, so that this map is a (multi-valued) group homomorphism.

Taking the inverse of this multi-valued map gives a single-valued map (which is how we are more used to thinking about it) $$\mathbb C \to E,$$ which is a homomorphism when we give $\mathbb C$ its addivite structure and $E$ the group law coming from $(x_1,x_2)\mapsto \phi(x_1,x_2)$. The kernel of this map turns out to be a lattice $\Lambda$, so that we get an isomorphism $\mathbb C/\Lambda \cong E.$

The formula $\phi(x_1,x_2)$ turns out to be precisely the formula describing addition on the elliptic curve via chords and tangents, and there are lots of theoretical explanations for it, as you can find on the linked MO page.

For a higher genus curve $C$, it turns out that there is not just the one holomorphic differential $dx/y$, but $g$ linearly independent such (if the curve has genus $g$), say $\omega_1, \ldots,\omega_g$. Furthermore, if we fix a particular differential $\omega_i$, then there is no formula $\phi(x_1,x_2)$ such that the sum of the integrals of $\omega$ for $x_1$ and $x_2$ is equal to the integral of $\omega$ for $\phi(x_1,x_2)$.

However, what Abel and Jacobi found is that, if we consider the map $$(x_1,\ldots,x_g) \mapsto (\sum_{i = 1}^g \int_a^{x_i} \omega_1, \ldots,\sum_{i = 1}^g \int_a^{x_i} \omega_g),$$ which gives a multi-valued map $$Sym^g C \to \mathbb C^g$$ (here $Sym^g C$ denotes the $g$th symmetric power of $C$, so it is the product of $g$ copies of $C$, modulo the action of the symmetric group on the $g$ factors), then we can find a formula $\phi(x_{1,1},\ldots,x_{1,g},x_{2,1},\ldots,x_{2,g})$ such that $\phi$ defines a group law on $Sym^g C$ (at least generically) and such that this map is a homomorphism.

Again, this map becomes well-defined and (generically) single valued if we quotient out the target by an appropriate lattice $\Lambda$ (the period lattice), to get a birational map $$Sym^g C \to \mathbb C^g /\Lambda.$$

The target here is called the Jacobian of $C$, and can be identified with $Pic^0(C)$.

In summary, to generalize the addition law on an elliptic curve to higher genus curves, you have to consider unordererd $g$-tuples of points (where $g$ is the genus), and add those (not just individual points).

(The relationship with $Pic^0(C)$ is that if $x_1,\ldots,x_g$ are $g$ points on $C$, then $x_1 + \ldots + x_g - g a$ is a degree zero divisor on $C$, and every degree zero divisor is linearly equivalent to a divisor of this form, and, generically, to a unique such divisor.)