[Math] Green’s Theorem


Let $C$ be the closed,piecewise curve figured by traveling in straight lines between the points $(-2,1),(-2,-3),(1,-1),(1,5)$ and back to $(-2,1)$, in that order. Use Green's Theorem to evaluate the integral:

$$\int_C (2 x y)dx + (x y^2)dy$$

So far I have used Green's Theorem and calculated the vector form of Green's Theorem. Since the region enclosed by C is y-simple, we can set up the double integral to first integrate in terms of $y(x)$ then $x$. However, I am not getting the same answer as the book.

Best Answer

The region in question is a trapezoid, bounded by the lines $x=-2$, $x=1$, $y=(4/3) x+(11/3)$, and $y=(2/3)x-(5/3)$. Use Green's theorem to convert the line integral to an integral over the area of the region:

$$\oint_{\partial D} (P\, dx+Q\, dy) = \iint_D dx\,dy \: \left ( \frac{\partial Q}{\partial x} - \frac{\partial P}{\partial y}\right)$$

To set up the area integral, take the derivatives and use those bounds:

$$\int_{-2}^1 dx \: \int_{(2/3)x-(5/3)}^{(4/3) x+(11/3)} dy \: (y^2-2 x)$$

You should be able to work this out.

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