[Math] Green’s operator, differential forms


In "Foundations of Differential Manifolds and Lie Groups" by Frank Warner on page 225 there is defined Green's operator: $G: E^p(M) \rightarrow (H^p)^{\perp}$ by setting $G(\alpha)$ to equal the unique solution of $\Delta \omega = \alpha – H(\alpha)$ in $(H^p)^{\perp}$.


Here $E^p(M)$ is the set of all differential forms on the manifold $M$, $H^p$ is the set of all harmonic forms on $M$ and $H(\alpha)$ is the harmonic part of $\alpha$.

We define $*: \Lambda ^k M \rightarrow \Lambda^{m-k}M, \ \ \dim M =m$ in such a way that $*$ is $\mathbb{R}$-linear, $*(e_1 \wedge … \wedge e_p) = e_{p+1} \wedge … \wedge e_m$ for $e_1, …, e_m$ – well oriented orthonormal basis and

$*(e_{i_1} \wedge … \wedge e_{i_p}) = \pm e_{j_1} \wedge … \wedge e_{j_{m-p}}$ depending on whether $e_{i_1}, … ,e_{i_p}, e_{j_1} , … , e_{j_{m-p}}$ 's orientation is the same or opposite to $e_1, …, e_m$.

Then we define scalar product: on $E^p(M)$ $M$ is compact and oriented

$\langle\alpha, \beta\rangle = \int_M \alpha \wedge * \beta$

Now, I want to prove that $G$ is a bounded and self adjoint operator.

I think that we can write $G(\alpha) = (\Delta|_{H^{p \perp}})^{-1}(\alpha – H(\alpha))$ and I know that $\langle\Delta \alpha, \beta\rangle = \langle\alpha, \Delta \beta\rangle$, but it doesn't help me.

Could you help me with that?

Best Answer

Let $\alpha \in E^p$, then we can write $\alpha = H(\alpha) + (\alpha - H(\alpha))$. As $G(\alpha) \in (H^p)^\perp$ satisfies $\Delta G(\alpha) = \alpha - H(\alpha)$, we have

$$ ||G(\alpha)|| \leq C ||\Delta G(\alpha)|| = C ||\alpha - H(\alpha)|| \leq C||\alpha||,$$

thus $G$ is bounded. To show that it is self-adjoint, you need to restrict $G$ to $(H^p)^\perp$. Let $\alpha, \beta \in (H^p)^\perp$, $H(\alpha) = 0$ and by $\langle \alpha, \Delta \beta\rangle = \langle \Delta \alpha, \beta\rangle$ and changing $\alpha, \beta$ to $(\Delta |_{(H^p)^\perp})^{-1} \alpha$, $(\Delta |_{(H^p)^\perp})^{-1} \beta$ respectively, we have

$$\langle G(\alpha) , \beta\rangle = \langle \alpha, G(\beta)\rangle. $$

Thus $G$ is self adjoint. (Actually $G$ is also a compact operator)

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