[Math] Green functions and Sturm-liouville eigenfunctions

functional-analysisordinary differential equations

I have the following problem. Find the Green function in the problem of Sturm-Liouville:


$$y'(0)=y(0),\quad y'(1)+y(1)=0$$

I can not find the eigenvalues ​​and the eigenfunctions but how do I find the Green's function?

Thanks for all and any help

Best Answer

The differential equation you seek is

$$y''+\lambda y = 0$$

which had the general solution

$$y(x) = A \cos{\sqrt{\lambda} x} + B \sin{\sqrt{\lambda} x}$$

The boundary value given by $y'(0)=y(0)$ implies that $A = B \sqrt{\lambda}$. The boundary value given by $y'(1) + y(1) = 0$ implies that

$$-A \sqrt{\lambda} \sin{\sqrt{\lambda}} + B \sqrt{\lambda} \cos{\sqrt{\lambda}} + A \cos{\sqrt{\lambda}} + B \sin{\sqrt{\lambda}}=0$$

Using the relation derived from the first boundary condition, we get

$$-\lambda \sin{\sqrt{\lambda}} + \sqrt{\lambda} \cos{\sqrt{\lambda}} + \sqrt{\lambda} \cos{\sqrt{\lambda}} + \sin{\sqrt{\lambda}}=0$$

or, after a little algebra,

$$\tan{\sqrt{\lambda}} = \frac{2 \sqrt{\lambda}}{\lambda-1}$$

Here is a plot of the LHS and RHS so you can see the intersections and hence, the square roots of the eigenvalues. Clearly, for the first few, they must be computed numerically. For the $k$th eigenvalue, where $k$ is large,

$$\lambda_k \sim k^2 \pi^2$$

The eigenfunction (unnormalized) corresponding to that eigenvalue is

$$y_k(x) = \sqrt{\lambda_k} \cos{\sqrt{\lambda_k} x} + \sin{\sqrt{\lambda_k} x}$$

The Green's function may then be found from the eigenvalues/eigenfunctions as follows:

$$G(x,x') = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{y_k(x) y_k(x')}{\lambda-\lambda_k}$$

where $G$ satisfies

$$\frac{d^2}{dx^2} G(x,x') + \lambda G(x,x') = \delta(x-x')$$