[Math] Greedy algorithm fails to give chromatic number

coloringexamples-counterexamplesgraph theory

Produce a graph and degree sequence for which the greedy algorithm fails to give the chromatic number.

My first example is below- The first labeling uses 2 colors which is the chromatic number and the second labeling uses 3 colors, which shows that the greedy algorithm fails to give the chromatic number. The degree sequence of this graph is {3,3,2,2,1,1}.

enter image description here

I need to find a second example of this situation. Is there a systematic way to find another example? Is there a pattern in the degree sequence of graphs when the greedy alg. will fail to give the chromatic number? Or to find a second example will I just need to try random graphs and labelings?

*I also know that different labelings will produce different colorings when using the greedy algorithm.

Best Answer

The standard example is the crown graph which gives $n$ instead of $2$ in bad order

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