[Math] Greatest number of parts in which n planes can divide the space

combinatoricsdiscrete geometrydiscrete mathematicsdiscrete optimizationgeometry

Find the greatest number of parts including unbounded in which n planes can divide the space.

I am trying like this, since it is very hard to visualize( or draw in paper).

Equation of plane in 3 space could be ax + by + cz +d = 0.
If I could get an equation for number of regions I could use derivative to maximize it.

We will get a region when ax + by + cz + d < 0 or > 0 in all n planes.
I am unable to find a equation for number of regions.

Best Answer

Your question is equivalent to the following:

What is the greatest number of parts a cake (cylinder/cube/any other convex shape) can be divided into with n straight cuts?

Appropriately these are called the cake numbers $C(n)$, and are indexed as A000125 in Sloane's OEIS.

The proof of this starts from two dimensions with the lazy caterer's sequence (A000124), the two-dimensional equivalent of the cake number (with a pizza). To achieve the maximum number of pieces $L(n)$ with n cuts, each new cut after the first ($L(1)=2$) must cross all previous cuts and no intersections, thereby adding n pieces at cut n. It is easy to see that the total number of pieces with n cuts is the n‌th triangular number plus one: $L(n)=\frac{n^2+n}2+1$.

Now go to three dimensions. After the first cut ($C(1)=2$), cut n crosses all previous cuts and no (triple) intersections; the intersections of the other planes with this latest cut form a division of the plane into the greatest number of pieces with $n-1$ cuts. So cut n adds $L(n-1)$ pieces, and after we solve the recursive equation we get $$C(n)=\frac{n^3+5n+6}6$$