[Math] Greatest and least values of $\arg z$ for points lying in a region

complex numbers

I'm asked to plot $|z+1-3i|\leq1$ and $\text{Im}(z) \geq3$, I've plotted both the inequalities, PS see the attachment.
enter image description here
Now, I'm unable to determine the diļ¬€erence between the greatest and least values of $\arg z$ for points lying in this region.

PS assist,

Also any resources that will be me get better to solve such questions will be of great help.


Best Answer

By taking a look at your plot, it is clear that:

  • The least value of $\arg z$ is attained at $$ z_1:=3i $$ (far right of the half-disc). This value is clearly $\pi/2$ radians.
  • The greatest value of $\operatorname{arg}z$ is attained at $$z_2:=-2+3i$$ (far left of the half-disc). This value is clearly $\pi/2+\alpha$ radians, where $\alpha$ is the angle (in radians) at $(0,0)$ of the triangle with vertices $(0,0)$, $(-2,3)$ and $(0,3)$ in the complex plane. We have $\alpha=\arctan(2/3)$ by simple trigonometry.

Hence, the difference you seek is, in radians, \begin{align} \arg z_2-\arg z_1&=\left(\frac{\pi}{2}+\arctan\frac{2}{3}\right)-\frac{\pi}{2}\\ &=\arctan\frac{2}{3}\\ &\approx0.588 \end{align}

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