Trigonometry – Graphical Representation of Trigonometric Functions


I'm currently learning the unit circle definition of trigonometry. I have seen a graphical representation of all the trig functions at khan academy.

enter image description here

I understand how to calculate all the trig functions and what they represent. Graphically, I only understand why sin and cos is drawn the way it is. I'm having trouble understand why tangent, cotangent, secant, cosecant are drawn the way they are.

Can someone please provide me with some intuitions.

Best Answer

If you complete the diagram with all the right triangles, you would notice all of them are actually similar, meaning pairs of corresponding sides produce equivalent ratios. I’m not exactly sure how to explain this considering there aren’t any points in your diagram, so here’s a link to the proof I used.
Trigonometric Ratios on a Unit Circle