[Math] Graph isomorphism as permutation matrix.

graph theory

The automorphism group of a graph (lets us consider undirected) is the set of all permutation on vertices that
preserve the adjacency. It is claimed: automorphism group of graph may be equivalently
defined as the set of permutation matrices $\pi$ which commute with the adjacency
matrix. How can we justify this claim.

Thank you.

Best Answer

Fun facts: (i) The $(i,j)$th entry of any matrix $M$ is equal to $e_i^TMe_j$, where $e_i$ is the vector with $1$ in the $i$th entry and $0$ elsewhere. (ii) $e_{\pi(i)} = Pe_i$, where $P$ is the matrix corresponding to the permutation $\pi$. (iii) Every permutation matrix $P$ is orthogonal, i.e. $P^T = P^{-1}$.

Let the adjacency matrices of the original and permuted graphs be $A$ and $B$. We want the $(\pi(i),\pi(j))$th entry of $B$ to be the same as the $(i,j)$th entry of $A$ is $1$. Equivalently, we want $(Pe_i)^TB(Pe_j) = e_i^TAe_j$. For this to hold for all $i$ and $j$, we must have $P^TBP = A$, or $B = PAP^T$.

If the permutation preserves adjacency, then $A = B = PAP^T$, so $AP = PAP^TP = PA$. Therefore $P$ commutes with $A$.

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