Sequences and Series – Why is Grandi’s Series Considered a Valid Sum?


Grandi's series,


can be expressed as the below:


Two valid sums that make sense to me are $1$, and $0$, depending on how you approach the series. $(1+1)-(1+1)-(1+1)-…=0$, and $1+(1-1)+(1-1)+(1-1)+…=1$.

There is consensus, however, that the actual sum is $\frac{1}{2}$. Why? I understand the approach of finding partial means of the series, and they do indeed tend to $\frac{1}{2}$, but it seems unintuitive to assert that the sum is neither $1$ or $0$.

A more convincing method I found was assuming the series is $S$, then shifting it such that $S-1 = S$, then through algebra finding $S = \frac{1}{2}$, but again, it seems more intuitive answer is either $0$ or $1$. I say this strictly because adding and subtracting integers should equal an integer, never a fraction.

Is this a characteristic of infinite series, which is not specific to Grandi's series?

Best Answer

Consider power series $$ S(x) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^n x^n, \qquad x\in [0;1). $$ It is geometric series: $$ \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-x)^n = \frac{1}{1-(-x)} = \frac{1}{1+x}. $$

So, $$ S(x)=\frac{1}{1+x}, \qquad x\in[0,1). $$

$S(x)$ is continuous and bounded on $[0;1)$. So, we can find limit: $$ S = \lim_{x\to 1} S(x) = \frac{1}{2}. $$

See Abel summation for better understanding.

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