[Math] Good software for linear/integer programming

integer programminglinear programmingmath-softwaresoft-question

I never did any linear/integer programming so I am wondering the following two things

  • What are some efficient free linear programming solvers?
  • What are some efficient commercial linear programming solvers?

It would be nice to supply a dummy usage example with each proposed answer.

Also what if wish to solve a integer programming problem? What are the answers to the above two questions in this case?

I know that integer LP is a hard problem but there are some relaxing methods that are sometimes employed in order to obtain a solution to an integer programming problem. Are there any software packages implementing this kind of stuff?

Best Answer

  • See: LiPS:
    Linear Program Solver (LiPS) is intended for solving linear programming problems. Main features: easy to use graphical interface, sensitivity analysis, goal and mixed integer programming solver. LiPS supports MPS and simple LP format (like lpsolve).

  • See also: CLP
    CLP stands for COIN-OR LP (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research: Linear Programming). CLP is an open-source linear programming solver written in C++.

  • Also from COIN-OR is SYMPHONY, a program for solving integer programming (IP) problems and its variants.

  • And: LpSolvers:
    This site provides installation information for a free-of-charge software package that solves Linear Program models by the Simplex Method and/or the Push-and-Pull Method.

  • Finally, see the Linear and Integer Programming Software section of Wikipedia for a more extensive list (with links) of both free and commercial linear programming solvers.

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