[Math] Givens rotation of the following vector of 3 elements.

linear algebranumerical methodsrotationstransformationvectors

I have to find the givens rotation matrix that will transform the following vector $[1, 1, -1]^T$ to $[y, 1, 0]^T$ (basically to insert a $0$ on the third position without altering the second one).

I tried to solve this problem but I'm not sure I am correct. My approach was the following:

c & 0 & -s\\
0 & 1 & 0 \\
s & 0 & c

So I have the following equation set:

$$c – s = y \text{ and }s – c = 0 $$

Which means that s = c so, theta angle is 45 degrees meaning that the Givens matrix for that rotation its the following:

√2/2 & 0 & -√2/2\\
0 & 1 & 0 \\
√2/2 & 0 & √2/2

Am I right?

Best Answer

Yes, I was right, the matrix is a correct Givens Rotation Matrix that respects the required transformation.

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