[Math] Given two polynomials $f$ and $p$, find a matrix which has $f$ as its characteristic polynomial and $p$ as its minimal polynomial.

linear algebra

I am self-studying the book Linear Algebra from Hoffman and Kunze. The authors make the following comment in the page 196. (Second edition)

If $f=(x-c_{1})^{d_{1}}\cdots(x-c_{k})^{d_{k}}$, $c_{1},…,c_{k}$
distinct, $d_{i}\geq 1$ and
$p=(x-c_{1})^{r_{1}}\cdots(x-c_{k})^{r_{k}}$, $1\leq r_{j}\leq d_{j}$.
We can find an $n\times n$ matrix which has $f$ as its characteristic
polynomial and $p$ as its minimal polynomial. We shall not prove this

How do we prove this theorem?

Best Answer

The simplest way to do it is with the Jordan canonical form, as Yuval notes. The important facts:

  1. The characteristic polynomial of an upper triangular matrix is just $$\prod_{i=1}^n (t-d_{ii})$$ where $d_{ii}$ are the diagonal entries.

  2. The minimal polynomial of a block diagonal matrix is the gcd of the minimal polynomials of the blocks of the matrix.

  3. The minimal polynomial of a Jordan block associated to $\lambda$ of size $k\times k$ is $(t-\lambda)^k$.

The three facts above are fairly easy to establish. That will tell you how to construct a matrix with the desired properties.

You can also use the rational canonical form by using companion matrices instead. Then you would replace 1 above with

The characteristic polynomial of a block diagonal matrix is the product of the characteristic polynomials of the blocks.

and 3 with

The characteristic and minimal polynomials of the companion matrix of $p(x)$ are both $p(x).

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