[Math] Given coordinates of hypotenuse, how can I calculate coordinates of other vertex


I have the Cartesian coordinates of the hypotenuse 'corners' in a right angle triangle. I also have the length of the sides of the triangle. What is the method of determining the coordinates of the third vertex where the opposite & adjacent sides meet.

Thanks, Kevin.

Best Answer

You have two points $A=(a,b)$ and $B=(c,d)$ and want a point $P$ at given distances from $A$ and $B$, say $l$ and $m$. Then $|PA|^2=l^2$ and $|PB|^2=m^2$ that is $$(x-a)^2+(y-b)^2=l^2\qquad\qquad(1)$$ and $$(x-c)^2+(y-d)^2=m^2.\qquad\qquad(2)$$ Subtracting (2) from (1) gives a linear equation. Use this to eliminate one variable from (1). This yields a quadratic equation in the other variable. Solving this will give the two possible positions for $P$.