Generating Functions – Isolating Even Terms from an Exponential Generating Function


Suppose you have an exponential generating function
and you want to get only the even terms

Is it possible to write $F_e(x)$ in terms of $F(x)$? I noticed that taking the derivative of $F(x)$ seems to shift the coefficients down a term, but couldn't get much further than that.

I'm also interested in the odd case, but I guess that follows easily since $F(x)-F_e(x)=F_o(x)$.

Best Answer

They're called series bisections, e.g. bisecting into even and odd parts the power series for $\:\rm e^{\,{\it i}\,x} \:,\;$

$$\begin{align} \rm f(x) \ &= \ \rm\frac{f(x)+f(-x)}{2} \;+\; \frac{f(x)-f(-x)}{2} \\[.2em] \Rightarrow\quad \rm e^{\,{\it i}\,x} \ &= \ \rm\cos(x) \ +\ {\it i} \ \sin(x) \end{align}\qquad$$

Similarly one can perform multisections into $\rm\:n\:$ parts using $\rm\:n\:$'th roots of unity - see my post here for some examples and see Riordan's classic textbook Combinatorial Identities for many applications. Briefly, with $\rm\:\zeta\ $ a primitive $\rm\:n$'th root of unity, the $\rm\:m$'th $\rm\:n$-section selects the linear progression of $\rm\: m+k\:n\:$ indexed terms from a series $\rm\ f(x)\ =\ a_0 + a_1\ x + a_2\ x^2 +\:\cdots\ $ as follows

$\rm\quad\quad\quad\quad a_m\ x^m\ +\ a_{m+n}\ x^{m+n}\ +\ a_{m+2\:n}\ x^{m+2\:n}\ +\:\cdots $

$\rm\quad\quad =\ \frac{1}{n} \big(f(x)\ +\ f(x\zeta)\ \zeta^{-m}\ +\ f(x\zeta^{\:2})\ \zeta^{-2m}\ +\:\cdots\: +\ f(x\zeta^{\ n-1})\ \zeta^{\ (1-n)\:m}\big)$

Exercise $\;$ Use multisections to give elegant proofs of the following

$\quad\quad\rm\displaystyle sin(x)/e^{x} \quad\:$ has every $\rm 4\ k\;$'th term zero in its power series

$\quad\quad\rm\displaystyle cos(x)/e^{x} \quad$ has every $\rm 4k\!+\!2\;$'th term zero in its power series

See the posts in this thread for various solutions and more on multisections. When you later study representation theory of groups you will learn that this is a special case of much more general results, with relations to Fourier and other transforms. It's also closely related to various Galois-theoretic results on modules, e.g. see my remark about Hilbert's Theorem 90 in the linked thread.

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