[Math] Given a three digit number $n$, let $f(n)$ be the sum of digits of $n$, their products in pairs, and the product of all digits. When does $n=f(n)$


This is my first time posting so do correct me if I am doing anything wrong.

Please help me with this math problem from the British Maths Olympiad (1994 British Maths Olympiad1 Q1 Number Theory).

Starting with any three digit number $n$ (such as $n = 625$) we obtain a new number $f(n)$ which is equal to the sum of the three digits of $n$, their three products in pairs, and the product of all three digits.
Find all three digit numbers such that $\frac{n}{f(n)}=1$.

The only solution I found is $199$, can someone verify it please?

Best Answer

Let $n=100a+10b+c,$ where $a> 0$ and $b,c\geq 0$. We are trying to solve $$100a+10b+c=a+b+c+ab+ac+bc+abc \\ \implies 99a+9b=abc+ab+ac+bc \\ \implies a(99-b-c-bc)=b(c-9) \\$$$c-9\leq 0$, but $b+c+bc\leq 99$. So the above equation holds iff $b=c=9$, which means $a$ can take any value.

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