[Math] Given a lines parametric equations, and a point how to find the closest point on that line to that point.


I thought of using the dot product set to $0$ but I'd need two vectors, and I online have one if I use the parametric equations as $x, y, z$ values of a vector.

This is the example

Line: $l = [(t,14-t,t-5)]$

Point: I have is $A(1,3,4)$

How do I approach this?

Best Answer

Minimize using the distance formula. The distance of a point on the line to A at time $t$ is $$d(t)=\sqrt{(1-t)^2+(3-(14-t))^2+(4-(t-5))^2}.$$ Then differentiate to find the minimum. Note: one can minimize the distance squared.

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