[Math] Given a knight on an infinite chess board that moves randomly, what’s the expected number of distinct squares it reaches in 50 moves

geometric-probabilityprobabilityprobability theorystochastic-processes

I was asked this in an interview and wasn't sure how to frame the answer. Basically as in the question you have a knight on an infinite chess board and it chooses one of its valid 8 moves uniformly at each move. After 50 moves, the question was to give (as tight as possible) a lower and upper bound on the expected number of distinct squares it reached.

I got as far as realizing that the knight must live in a 200×200 square, and that it can only reach half of the squares (since it must end at the same colour as it started). However this doesn't really address the randomness aspect of the question.

Best Answer

An exact solution can be acquired by computing $d_{x, y}(n)$ which is the number of distinct paths reaching $(x, y)$ for the first time after $n$ steps. The total number of paths $p_{x,y}(n)$ which contains $(x, y)$ after $n$ steps then has relationship:

$$p_{x, y}(n) = 8p_{x, y}(n-1) + d_{x, y}(n)$$

Using this we can express the expected number of distinct squares per path after $n$ steps, as counting the total number of distinct squares for each path and the total number of distinct paths crossing a square is equivalent when summing over all paths or all squares.

Then, saving some computation time we find by four-fold rotational symmetry that the expected number of distinct squares per path after $n$ steps is equivalent to:

$$1 + \frac{4}{8^{n}}\sum_{(x > 0, y \geq 0)} p_{x, y}(n)$$

How do we compute $d_{x, y}(n)$? We do it using matrices $M_{x, y}(n)$ which are initially zero everywhere except at $(0, 0)$ where they have value $1$. Then we apply a kernel convolution encoding the possible knight moves:

$$M'_{x, y}(n)=\begin{bmatrix}0&1&0&1&0\\ 1&0&0&0&1\\ 0&0&0&0&0\\ 1&0&0&0&1\\ 0&1&0&1&0\\\end{bmatrix}\star M_{x, y}(n-1)$$

Then $d_{x, y}(n)$ is the element at $(x, y)$ in $M'_{x, y}(n)$, and we set $(x, y)$ in the above matrix to zero to get $M_{x, y}(n)$ for future computation. Because we repeatedly set that coefficient to zero after each iteration it is that we count the number of distinct paths reaching $(x, y)$ for the first time, rather than all the paths that reach $(x, y)$ after $n$ steps. Unfortunately this does mean that for all possible $(x, y)$ we must compute these matrices a total of $n$ times.

I've implemented the above in Rust:

use gmp::mpz::Mpz;
use gmp::mpq::Mpq;
use rayon::prelude::*;

fn knight_step(d: Vec<Mpz>, w: i32) -> Vec<Mpz> {
    let mut nd = vec![Mpz::new(); (w*w) as usize];
    for &(dx, dy) in &[(-2, -1), (-2, 1), (-1, -2), (-1, 2), (1, -2), (1, 2), (2, -1), (2, 1)] {
        let rx = (-dx).max(0)..(w-dx).min(w);
        let ry = (-dy).max(0)..(w-dy).min(w);
        for x in rx {
            for y in ry.clone() {
                let cx = x + dx;
                let cy = y + dy;
                nd[(x*w + y) as usize] += &d[(cx*w + cy) as usize];


fn count_distinct(n: usize) -> Mpz {
    let w = 4*n + 1; // Size of a side of the board.
    let z = 2*n; // Origin is at (z, z);

    let mut total_distinct = Mpz::new();
    for x in z+1..w {
        println!("{}", x);
        let subproblems: Vec<_> = (z..w).collect::<Vec<usize>>().par_iter().map(|y| {
            let mut d = vec![Mpz::new(); w*w];
            d[z*w + z] = Mpz::from(1);
            let mut p = Mpz::new();

            for _ in 0..n {
                d = knight_step(d, w as i32);
                p = 8i64*p + &d[x*w + y];
                d[x*w + y] = 0.into();


        for s in &subproblems {
            total_distinct += 4i64*s;


fn main() {
    let n = 50;
    let q = Mpq::ratio(&count_distinct(n), &Mpz::from(8).pow(n as u32));
    println!("{}", q + &1.into());

Giving the exact result:

$$\frac{455207943209697100946821497094086408107332219}{11150372599265311570767859136324180752990208} \approx 40.82446$$