[Math] Give a serious explanation of the difference between an equation and a function.


What's the difference between an equation and a function? I mean, I am not seeking for a high school-like answer like "an equation has an equals sign". I want to know what is the fundamental difference between the two. Why we need these two concepts, that seems to me to be the same thing? In physics we heard a lot about equations, but if we call all them functions, wouldn't we be right?

Best Answer

They are the same in a sense. A function is technically an "equation", but an equation is not necessarily a function. It is incontrovertibly true; however, to say that any two values separated by an equals sign is considered an equation. $5=2+3$ is an equation, but not a function. $y=2x+3$ or equivalently, $f(x)=2x+3$ is a function, but also an equation because it involves an equals sign. Functions are equations that have both constants and variables which arrange in some way to map the function's value about those variables' dimensions.