[Math] Getting stuck on difficult problems.

problem solvingsoft-question

First, a little background: I hope to go to graduate school in mathematics, but for financial reasons I will be unable to go back to school any sooner than the fall of 2016. However, since I feel quite sure I would like to undertake further studies in math, and because I really enjoy the subject, I have been self-studying on my own in my free time.

The issue I am having is this: When I tackle a problem, I am very determined, and I don't mind spending a long time working on any given problem. But, sometimes I get stuck on a difficult problem, and I work on it for days, only to end up frustrated by not finding a solution. Then, I find it difficult to skip that problem and move on to other problems, because the skipped problem keeps nagging at me. I worked nearly all the problems in Blue Rudin, chapters 1-8, but there are a few problems I never got that are still bothering me. Sometimes, I think there must be some fact that I didn't absorb well enough for that particular problem, and it seems like a problem I "should" be able to solve.

Does anyone else feel frustrated or dismayed when there is a single problem in a chapter's exercises that you just can't seem to get no matter how long you work on it? During my undergrad math studies, I did very well, so I don't think it is that I have a lack of ability. Does this sort of thing even happen to great mathematicians? I feel that I should somehow come to terms with this experience, as I am sure it will keep coming up as I continue to study math. I would very much like to hear others' thoughts and experiences with this sort of thing.

Best Answer

I think I know how you feel. I have had the frustrating feelings with unsolved problems. I am an university math student and have encountered a lot of problems that I couldn't solve. Sometimes I've spend days thinking about them. I have also had the problem that sometimes I don't want to ask for help, because I feel like this is my problem to solve and getting help would be cheating.

I can't say for sure if great mathematicians feel this way sometimes, but I would imagine they do.

Even though I myself don't ask for help often, I think that if you have given a specific problem a lot of time without results, you should ask for help. (for exemple, on this site) Whether or not you ask for help, sitting alone and looking at a specific problem can get counter productive after a while. It would simply be better for you math education if you concentrated either on new stuff or different problems. Hope this helped a bit :)

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