[Math] Get the direction vector passing through the intersection point of two straight lines

calculusgeometrylinear algebravector-spaces

Let say I have this diagram,

enter image description here

How to find the direction vector passing through the intersection point of two straight lines?

Update: new vector is the bisector of two lines and vector may be arbitrary.

Best Answer

Normalize the two given vectors, i.e. compute $$e_a:={a\over |a|}={1\over\sqrt{13}}(2,3)\ ,\quad e_b:={b\over|b|}={1\over\sqrt{5}}(2,1)\ .$$ Then the angle bisector will pass through the point $$p:=e_a+e_b=\Bigl({2\over\sqrt{13}}+{2\over\sqrt{5}},{3\over\sqrt{13}}+{1\over\sqrt{5}}\Bigr)\doteq(1.44913,1.27926)$$ whose argument is $\arctan(0.882782)=0.723221=41.44^\circ$.

The following figure shows the geometric intuition behind the above computation:

enter image description here