[Math] Geometric Series Question Given Sum of First 2 and First 3 Terms


The sum of the first two terms of a convergent geometric series is 8 and the sum of the
first three terms is 26. What is the sum of the series?

I get to $ar^2 = 18$, $r = \sqrt{18/a}$ and then I sub it back into $a + ar = 8$ but I can't reduce it just for $a$ for some reason.

Best Answer

Hint: If you take the ratio $c$ of the 3rd term divided by the 2nd term, you will get

$$(1 + r + r^2) = (1+r)c$$

which gives you a quadratic in $r$ that you can solve. Once you know $r$, then you can solve for $a$ using the 2nd term.